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Category: Hong Kong

A Guide to Incubation Programmes for Tech Start-ups in Hong Kong

Hong Kong offers a wide range of incubation and accelerator schemes to help you progress on your I&T journey. This guide provides information on those offered by Hong Kong Cyberport and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks. Incubation programmes provide an entry point and soft landing into Hong Kong’s rich and vibrant I&T ecosystem.

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A Guide to Talent Attraction Schemes: How to Bring Talents to Hong Kong

One of Hong Kong’s key appeals lies in its wide range of admission schemes for foreign talents, professionals and entrepreneurs. In the 2022 Policy Address, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive underscored the importance of embarking on an all-out quest for global “top-notch talents”. This guide seeks to provide information on the different schemes currently available under which quality talents can be admitted into Hong Kong.

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Key Takeaways from Hong Kong’s 2022 Policy Address

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, delivered his maiden policy address on 19 October 2022, fleshing out the details of a comprehensive blueprint for the next five years and setting out the key priorities in a wide range of areas. Hong Kong will continue to give full scope to its long-held strengths and role as an international financial, trade and shipping hub.

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e-HKD: The Future of Money in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has recently announced that it will be trialling the e-HKD digital currency from the fourth quarter of 2022. It is almost a given that the e-HKD will be a disruptor to the existing financial ecosystem, bringing along with it a unique set of benefits and challenges.

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Aerial view of Hong Kong Downtown

Hong Kong: New Inspection Regime Phase II

Hong Kong brings the Companies Register’s New Inspection Regime into operation phase by phase from August 2021 to December 2023 to limit the disclosure of personal data in the Companies Registry. Under Phase 2 of the new inspection regime, usual residential addresses and full identification numbers on the Index of Directors on the Companies Register are replaced with correspondence addresses and partial identification numbers for public inspection.

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A Tale of Integrated Development: Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Co-operation Zone

Hong Kong and Shenzhen have joined hands to develop a preeminent global innovation and technology hub in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Co-operation Zone (“Co-operation Zone”) at the Lok Ma Chau Loop.  A joint policy package has been introduced to promote collaboration and the “synergistic development” of the Co-operation Zone, setting out a wide array of funding schemes, support measures and resource-sharing initiatives available to qualified enterprises. 

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