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Why you should trademark your brand

Written by Citlali Gallardo, Partner, Gallardo Hurtado 

The global economy is increasingly focused on importing/exporting products or services. All products or services are identified by logos, designs, words, shapes, colors, etc. Such words, logos, drawings, forms, colors, are Trademarks, which are trademarked for the state to grant the exclusive right to use. Trademark registration has several advantages:

  • Competitive advantages in front of the consumers;
  • A trademark speaks about the quality of the product or service;
  • The product or service is recommended by of the brand;
  • Trademarks are intangible assets which are often valued at an amount much larger than the fixed asset of a company.

According to the magazine Entrepreneur, the most valuable brands are:

Google Valued at 302,063 million dollars
Apple Valued at 300,595 million dollars
Amazon Valued at 207,534 million dollars
Microsoft Valued at 200,987 million dollars

Some of the world’s fastest-growing Chinese brands are the following:

China Mobile Growth from 2017 to 2018 47%
JD.COM Increased 94% of its value, placing it in the rank 59 of the most valuable brands
HUAWEI has a value of 8.4 billion dollars, placing in the number 79 of the most valuable brands

Those Chinese brands with higher daily growth are ZTE, MOTOROLA MOBILITY, DIDI, MOBIKE and LENOVO.

One of the points that you should consider when creating your brand is that currently, consumers do not read brands, so if the brand tends to be boring or difficult to read, to pronounce or remember, they will not buy the product or service, especially if the products or services are exported. A good brand must have:

  • Short words, with several vowels, easy to pronounce;
  • A name easy to remember;
  • A design or logo with colors.

In the case of Chinese brands, when brought overseas where consumers cannot read Chinese writing, the characters are considered a design, so the color turns into an important element of differentiation.

In interviews conducted in supermarkets, revealed that the consumers buy the product for specific factors of differentiation such as character or logos. For example, when they buy cereal, they buy the cereal of the face of the Tiger, the Red label bread, the tequila of the drawing of a horse, etc. The way people recommend a product is also always based on a specific idea that differentiates it from the rest: “buy the cell phone of a red M.”

Following these guidelines to create their brands, they will surely have a greater permanence in the market and a better possibility of registration including overseas.

The firm Gallardo and De La Concha was founded in 1998 and in 2008 changed its name to Gallardo Hurtado & Cía. Its creation was aimed at providing legal and technical services in Intellectual Property and in all related areas, including trademarks, patents, trade names, commercial notices, copyrights and, litigation, both in Mexico and overseas.

Services overseas are provided through carefully selected partners in almost every country in the world. Having consolidated the legal services in the mentioned areas and taking care of the suggestions of our clients, in the year 2005 it extends its legal services to the practice of Mergers and Acquisitions.

For More information contact:
Lic. Citlali Gallardo Hurtado
Gallardo Hurtado y Cia, S.C.

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