A Guide to Talent Attraction Schemes: How to Bring Talents to Hong Kong

One of Hong Kong’s key appeals lies in its wide range of admission schemes for foreign talents, professionals and entrepreneurs. In the 2022 Policy Address, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive underscored the importance of embarking on an all-out quest for global “top-notch talents”. This guide seeks to provide information on the different schemes currently available under which quality talents can be admitted into Hong Kong.

A Guide to Signing Electronic Employment Contracts in the Chinese Mainland

In July 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China issued additional guidance on concluding electronic contracts between employers and employees, fleshing out in detail the notice issued in March 2020, which conferred legal validity on such contracts subject to certain conditions.

A Concise Guide to Working with Distributors in China

Businessmen teamwork meeting to discuss the investment.

We delve into the dos and don’ts of choosing a distributor in China and the key things you should consider, from contracts to IP protection. You are ready to venture out for your company’s overseas expansion. Green and inexperienced when it comes to the Chinese market, you are however reluctant to jump in at the deep […]

Your Simplified Annual Compliance Guide in Hong Kong

Giant Buddha in Hong Kong, Lantau Island

Are you considering setting up a company in Hong Kong? Perhaps you have a Hong Kong Company but find it confusing to keep up with the compliance. Has your accountant suddenly reached out to you with a new charge that you are not familiar with? This article is to clarify the basic responsibilities that your […]

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up a Company in Shenzhen

shenzhen city

The year 2020 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. The city’s GDP has grown from $196 million RMB to $2.6 trillion RMB in 40 years, a nearly 14,000-fold increase, and it has been hailed as China’s version of Silicon Valley. On 8 December 2020, the Shenzhen government held a Global Promotion Investment Conference, which attracted about 300 local and international […]