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E-Commerce Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area

On 26 September 2020, CW held a webinar centering around the e-commerce opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, launching a new project partnering with Mini-Home Media Limited, operating the China Travel Bus E-Commerce platform (wholly owned by China Travel Group, a Chinese state-owned company) will allow us to enter the cross-border e-commerce industry.

Mr. Thomas Wong, partner of CW, made the following opening remark in Spanish, thanking the attendees and organizers of the event.

“I embarked on my Latino journey 15 years ago, starting with a Spanish-speaking colleague who built what we now know as the Latino Department. Today we continue to work hard to unite both markets, striving to promote the Greater Bay Area among our Colombian friends. But our journey is not over, it has only just begun.”

In the webinar we have shared with all our friends in Colombia how ties can be strengthened through our online e-commerce platform, and help Colombian producers and manufacturers reach the Chinese market.

“The good news is that we can all enjoy and benefit from this. CW’s new project will provide you with ways to advertise your products from Colombia to China, especially to consumers in the Greater Bay Area. This area integrates Hong Kong, Macao and Canton and represents 12% of China’s Gross Domestic Product.” Mr Wong said.

For more information about the e-commerce platform or further question please kindly contact our Partner Mr. Thomas Wong at the following email:

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