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Category: China Updates

China Updates – July 2024

Hong Kong’s Patent Box Tax Incentive Enacted On 5 July 2024, the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Tax Concessions for Intellectual Property Income) Ordinance 2024 came into

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China Updates – June 2024

Guangdong’s 45 Measures Promote Artificial Intelligence Empowering Various Industries On June 6th, the Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province issued a document titled

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China Updates – May 2024

The Shenzhen Finance Bureau and Taxation Bureau have jointly introduced measures to enact a preferential individual income tax policy for Hong Kong residents in the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone.

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China Updates – April 2024

China’s State Council has issued the Action Plan on Coordinating the Construction of Credit Service Platforms to Facilitate Financing for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The plan comprises 12 entries covering five aspects in total.

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China Updates – March 2024

China has recently issued documents to enact preferential tax policies for qualifying companies and Hong Kong residents in the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone.

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China Updates – February 2024

China Prescribes Three-year Transition Period for Existing Companies to Comply with New Capital Contribution Requirements On 6 February 2024, China’s State Administration for Market Regulation

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China Updates – January 2024

China Boosts Support for Processing-trade Enterprises to Promote Research and Development (“R&D”) Activities China’s Ministry of Commerce, along with nine other authorities, have recently published

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China Updates – December 2023

Recently, the International Monetary Fund has revised upwards its GDP growth forecasts for China in 2023 and 2024. According to the IMF, China’s economy is expected to expand by 5.4% this year, surpassing its earlier projection of 5%.

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CW CPA Office

China Updates – November 2023

Table of Contents Hong Kong Launches Scheme to Boost Commercialisation of Research and Development Outcomes On 18 October, Hong Kong’s Innovation and Technology Commission (“Commission”)

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