+852 2956 3798





有超过 9,000 家企业和公司选择香港作为其总部所在地,在争夺 “亚洲国际都会 “这一梦寐以求的称号的竞争中,没有任何其他城市能够成功地抢走香港的风头。 香港因其经济自由、竞争力、机会和经商便利,以及作为国际金融中心和通往中国的主要门户的作用而备受赞誉,是真正独一无二的。











以下所提供的问题和答案并不包括所有可能的咨询,也不应被视为针对您的具体问题、事项或疑虑的个性化专业建议。 这些答复并不构成任何为您提供服务的义务。 我们诚邀您与我们联系,就您的个人事务或重点领域进行更全面的讨论。

Can a foreigner set up a company in Hong Kong?

Yes. You can set up a company in Hong Kong with 100% foreign ownership. Shareholders can be individuals or corporate entities of any nationality, domicile or residence.

What is the minimum capital requirement for a Hong Kong company?

The Companies Ordinance prescribes no minimum share capital. Since the amendment of company law in March 2014, companies are no longer required to set a par value per share, thereby affording a large degree of discretion in setting the price of shares for each issuance.

Do I need to rent a physical office space in Hong Kong?

In most cases, having a physical office space is not obligatory, allowing you the flexibility to manage your Hong Kong company from abroad. Nevertheless, a legal prerequisite entails maintaining a Registered Office address within Hong Kong, designated for the receipt of all government communications. Importantly, this Registered Office address is not permitted to be a P.O. box. Deciding whether to lease a physical office in Hong Kong may be influenced by additional considerations or requirements. We recommend seeking personalized advice for your specific circumstances to make an informed choice.

How long does it take to form a Hong Kong company?

Assuming all your application documents are in order, the processing time is contingent on the chosen application delivery method. For private companies limited by shares opting for hard copy certificates, issuance usually takes up to 4 working days from the point of successfully submitting the application in physical form. For private companies limited by shares opting for electronic certificates ("e-incorporation"), issuance typically occurs within an hour following the successful submission through the "e-Registry" platform. Currently our "e-incorporation" service is only available to those those shareholder(s) who is(are) natural person(s).

What are my annual obligations to maintain a Hong Kong company?

Annually, you must meet several compliance requirements: 1 - Filing of Annual Return with Companies Registry; 2 - Filing of Profits Tax Return with the Inland Revenue Department (along with the Audited Financial Statements); 3 - Filing of Employer's Return with the Inland Revenue Department when the obligation arises.

How much tax does my company have to pay in Hong Kong?

For incorporated businesses, profits tax for the first HK$2 million of profits is 8.25 percent. Profits above that amount will be subject to the tax rate of 16.5 percent. There are no sales tax, VAT, withholding tax, capital gains tax, dividends tax, estate tax in Hong Kong. In addition, Hong Kong has its free trade policy with easy customs procedures. Please consult us to get the most accurate and up-to-date information based on your company's specific situation.

