






> 50%


2.126 万亿美元

名义国内生产总值(2023 年)


人口(2023 年)



在2023年8月,巴西推出了名为“NOVO PAC”的“加速增长”计划,为国家的经济发展勾画出一条雄心勃勃的路径。该计划预计的投资额达到1.7万亿巴西雷亚尔。




根据巴西于 2024 年 1 月发布的新工业政策:

  • 将拨款3 000 亿巴西雷亚尔,用于促进生物技术和芯片开发等高科技领域的发展。
  • 90%的工业部门企业将实现数字化,包括将智能数字技术融入制造和工业流程。

超过 90% 的电力来自可再生能源



太阳能发电激增 巩固水电主导的电力格局








































巴西中国商会 (CCCB)



TATICCA是一家位于巴西的公司,专门提供外部和内部审计、税务、商业咨询和顾问服务、企业融资、培训、技术、专业知识和调查、可持续发展、风险测绘、会计及相关服务。作为ALLINIAL GLOBAL的成员,TATICCA属于一个全球性联盟,该联盟由独立的审计、会计和咨询机构组成。




  • 行业洞察:研究拟商业化产品的特定行业,重点关注巴西市场的趋势、消费者行为和主要参与者。
  • 竞争对手分析:确定主要竞争对手及其战略、市场份额、优势和劣势。
  • 确定目标受众:确定潜在客户的人口统计、偏好和购买行为。
  • 法律框架:了解并遵守巴西的商业法律、进口法规、税务要求以及任何特定行业的法规。
  • 当地合作伙伴:与当地企业、分销商或代理商建立关系,因为他们了解巴西市场动态,能帮助企业更顺利地进入市场。
  • 品牌和本地化:调整品牌、包装和营销材料,以适应当地口味和文化差异。
  • 数字营销:利用巴西流行的在线平台,如社交媒体和电子商务门户网站,进行广告宣传和销售。
  • 线下营销:考虑电视、广播和印刷品等传统营销渠道,尤其是在互联网普及率较低的地区。
  • 了解客户目标:确定外国公司打算在巴西开展业务的具体商业目标、行业和规模。
  • 服务定制:根据客户的需求量身定制服务,无论客户需要的是全套设置服务,还是法律咨询或市场调研等具体协助。
  • 可行性研究:全面分析市场潜力,包括对公司产品或服务的需求、竞争格局和监管环境。
  • 进入战略:制定详细的市场进入战略,包括最适合客户业务模式的实体类型(如子公司、合资企业、特许经营)。
  • 公司注册:协助公司在巴西当局注册,包括获得公司税务识别码 (CNPJ)。
  • 法律框架:提供有关巴西公司法、劳动法、纳税义务和特定行业法规的指导。
  • 许可证和执照:帮助获得在巴西运营所需的许可证和执照。
  • 银行业务协助设立公司银行账户,并就财务条例和合规性提供建议。
  • 会计和税务:提供会计服务、税务规划和合规管理,确保遵守巴西税法和会计准则。
  • 业务支持服务:提供持续的法律、财务和行政支持,确保顺利运营。
  • 咨询服务:提供战略建议,以适应市场变化、监管更新和发展机遇。
与 CW 注册会计师合作,驾驭这个充满活力的市场,实现收益最大化。

São Paulo

Located in southeastern Brazil, the economic heartland, São Paulo, is the country’s most densely populated region. Its state capital that shares the same name is the largest city in Brazil. Accounting for nearly one-third of national GDP and over one-fifth of the national population, the state is the most economically productive. It is no wonder that São Paulo is designated the “locomotive of Brazil”. Most of the state’s production and employment is centred around manufacturing and services, primarily in the state capital and its surrounding areas. In addition to being a major producer of coffee, the state constitutes around one-third of the country’s goods and services. The manufacturing sector encompasses automobiles, consumer goods, electronic equipment, and food products.

Home to over 40% of the automotive industry’s manufacturing plants, São Paulo serves as the national automotive hub. The state hosts many industry heavyweights, such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes Benz, Toyota, and Volkswagen.

São Paulo has been an investment magnet for world-renowned car producers. Hyundai, which already owns a plant in São Paulo with the capacity to manufacture 220,000 vehicles per year, will be investing more than USD 1.1 billion by 2032. The planned investment is slated to prioritise cutting-edge technologies, particularly in the development and production of hybrid, electric, and green hydrogen vehicles.

In March 2024, Toyota unveiled a substantial USD 2.22 billion investment in Brazil – a move anticipated to create approximately 2,000 new job opportunities. The Japanese automotive giant already owns plants in Indaiatuba, Sorocaba, and Porto Feliz, all in São Paulo. The investment blueprint includes a comprehensive upgrading of Toyota’s facilities in Sorocaba and Porto Feliz. The expansion, set to begin in the latter municipality by 2025, entails the integration of hybrid systems into engine production. Meanwhile, in Sorocaba, the focus will be on battery production, with operations commencing in 2026.

Fintech has sparked a revolution in banking services on Brazilian soil. The rapid proliferation of digital payments has reshaped the country’s innovative financial

landscape. The digitally savvy nation has been at the vanguard of advancing financial inclusion across the whole of Latin America. The banking transformation was ignited in the economic heartland, São Paulo, which has spearheaded the boom in recent years.

São Paulo is home to a multitude of fintech and insurtech unicorns. Nubank, established in São Paulo in 2013, has evolved into one of the world’s largest digital banking platforms. Today, it provides financial services to over 53 million customers. Recent data indicates that Nubank has extended financial access to 5.6 million individuals who were previously unbanked. Other prominent players include C6 Bank, PagSeguro, Creditas, and Unico.

Rio de Janeiro

Located in southeastern Brazil, the state Rio de Janeiro has the second-largest economy in the country. Its state capital that bears the same name is known as the “marvellous city”. The city’s attraction extends beyond its appeal to tourists. As the second most populous city in Brazil and a key commercial hub, the state capital has become an epicentre for aspiring entrepreneurs. Boasting a lively consumer market and well-developed infrastructure, the city Rio de Janeiro has become a touchstone in many sectors, including biotechnology, creative economy, energy, oil and gas, and tourism, for other parts of the country. This, coupled with a distinct entrepreneurial spirit, cements the marvellous city’s status as a go-to destination for ambitious business ventures.

The e-commerce sector in Brazil as a whole is experiencing an unprecedented surge, with projections indicating that it will surpass the USD 200 billion mark by 2026. Rio de Janeiro has emerged as a key driver of this growth, commanding a substantial portion of the market. Together with neighbouring São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro accounts for 51% of total e-commerce market growth in the country. In addition, more than 63% of e-commerce consumers in Brazil reside in the southeast region, encompassing Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Espírito Santo.

The municipality of Rio de Janeiro has enacted various preferential tax policies to encourage certain business activities. Municipal Law 7.000/2021 stipulates a reduced Imposto sobre Serviços de Qualquer Natureza (“ISS”) tax rate of 2% for companies located in specified regions and engaged in specific activities, such as biotechnology, IT services, and research and development. In addition, Law 1.153/2022 and Bill 1822/2023 propose reduced ISS rates for services related to green initiatives as well as games and betting. On a separate front, Decree 51,498/2022 allows eligible taxpayers to use cryptocurrency wallets to pay taxes, advancing the integration of digital currencies and blockchain technologies.

Minas Gerais

Situated in southeastern Brazil, Minas Gerais is known for being the nation’s repository of mineral wealth. This is reflected in its Portuguese name, which translates to “General Mines”. Hence, it is little surprise that mining activities play a preponderant role in the state’s economy. Minas Gerais is home to more than 300 mines and is Brazil’s top producer of beryllium, gold, graphite, iron ore, phosphate, steel, and zinc. The capital of Minas Gerais is Belo Horizonte, which is located in the south-central region of the state.

Thanks to its expansive land, fertile soil, and abundant water resources, Minas Gerais naturally thrives in the field of agribusiness. The state is a major contributor to Brazil’s agricultural output, notably in the production of coffee and potatoes. It ranks among the top producers of beans, sugarcane, garlic, and sorghum, while also leading the nation in dairy production. Agricultural exports from Minas Gerais enjoyed a flying start in January 2024, reaching USD 1.1 billion. This represents a growth of 6.7% compared to the same period in the previous year. Minas Gerais has been reaping the benefits of China’s increased demand for food – the primary importer of its agricultural products.

In the northern region of Minas Gerais, the traditional savanna scenery, once characterised by cattle ranches and banana plantations, is swiftly giving way to never-ending rows of solar panels. The proliferation of solar farms in Janaúba, situated 550 kilometres from Belo Horizonte, is emblematic of this trend. This is also evident in other municipalities in the state’s northern and northwest regions that host the majority of photovoltaic energy generation projects. The areas are blessed with high solar irradiation levels and lower land prices, drawing a large influx of investment.

According to the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association, Minas Gerais is at the forefront of photovoltaic solar power generation projects. It boasts a total installed capacity of 6.06 gigawatts, which is the outcome of investments amounting to BRL 25.1 billion.


Paraná, located in southern Brazil and bounded to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, has the fifth-largest economy. Known for its rich agricultural output, the state is one of Brazil’s chief producers of coffee, soybeans, maize, wheat, sugarcane, and other crops. It is also a significant producer of livestock and dairy products. Besides in agribusiness, Paraná maintains a strong foothold in the automotive, plant extraction, and paper industries.

An overwhelming proportion of agricultural production in Brazil is attributed to well-stablished cooperatives. Paraná is the proud host of the world’s largest agricultural cooperative. As one of the top grain producers in Brazil, the region boasts substantial supply capacity for the food sector. In 2023, agricultural exports from Paraná surpassed 30 million tons, marking a pronounced jump of 40.8% compared to the 21.3 million tons exported in the preceding year.

Brazil’s Secretary of State for Agriculture and Supply, Norberto Ortigara, highlighted that Paraná maintains a distinct productive identity as an agricultural state. The state is continuously sharpening its capabilities in value addition relating to the conversion of primary products and expanding its presence in both domestic and international markets.

For over four decades, the automotive industry has been an integral part of Paraná’s economic identity. It dates back to the establishment of the country’s first truck factory in the state. Today, renowned automotive giants, such as Audi, Caterpillar, Fiat, Nissan, Renault, Volkswagen, and Volvo have made themselves at home in the region. As a growing automotive hub in the country, Paraná accounts for around 10% of Brazil’s total production of cars, trucks, and pickup trucks. With more than 1,000 companies in the vicinity, the state also hosts an extensive network of industry suppliers to support the needs of first-tier automobile manufacturers.


Located in northeastern Brazil, Bahia has the sixth-largest economy in the country. Largely dominated by agricultural and industrial sectors, it ranks as the fourth most populous Brazilian state and the fifth largest by land area. Its historical capital, Salvador, is a seaport lying at the southern tip of the peninsula that divides Todos os Santos Bay from the Atlantic Ocean. A distinguishing feature of Bahia’s economy is its highly skilled workforce. A noteworthy 71.5% of the state’s industrial workforce has attained an education level of high school or above, compared to the national average of 68.3%.

The aerospace and defence industry is a central and fast-growing sector in Bahia. Headquartered in São Paulo, the world-renowned Brazilian aerospace player, Embraer, maintains a strong foothold in Bahia, especially in the city of Gavião Peixoto. The facility specialises in assembling aircraft, including regional and military planes. Additionally, the maintenance, repair, and overhaul services sector is flourishing in Bahia. Its success is attracting a raft of aerospace companies to the region.

In January 2024, the construction of the Bahia Aerospace Technology Park was officially announced. Set to be based Salvador Air Force Base, the park is poised to become a

strategic hub for propelling the advancement of Brazil’s aerospace industry. It will focus on research and development in the aerospace realm, pushing the boundaries in aeronautics, space exploration, defence, and autonomous aerial mobility.

With the nation’s second-largest wind power capacity, Bahia makes a substantial contribution to Brazil’s renewable energy portfolio. The green energy powerhouse boasts 272 wind parks with an installed capacity of 7.42 GW. This equates to an investment of over BRL 34 billion and the creation of approximately 74,000 jobs. The local government anticipates the commissioning of 65 new wind farms by 2027, with an additional 182 projects scheduled for completion by 2029. This extensive portfolio is projected to contribute 10.26 GW of installed capacity and reel in about BRL 60 billion in investments.