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商会为企业发展提供了宝贵的资源。 作为以下商会的成员,我们深感自豪,这些商会是建立联系的绝佳渠道。


华南美国商会(AmCham South China)是一个非营利性组织,致力于促进美国与中国之间的双边贸易。
AustCham South China


中国澳大利亚商会华南分会(AustChamSouth China)成立于 1994 年,旨在通过其会员代表发展、促进和扩大澳中两国之间的商业关系。




中英贸易全国委员会(CBBC)是英国自 1954 年以来促进对华贸易和投资的全国性商业网络。


哥伦比亚中国投资商会是一个非营利性的两国组织,成立于 2010 年,旨在促进中国与哥伦比亚之间的贸易、投资和文化了解。

中国德国商会 - 华南及西南地区

中国德国商会是德国企业的官方会员组织,在中国内地拥有 2,100 多家会员。


香港墨西哥商会(MexCham HK)是香港首个拉丁美洲商业协会。

葡萄牙香港工商会 (PHKCCI)

葡萄牙中国工商会是一个私营非营利组织,旨在促进葡萄牙与中国香港特别行政区之间的双边贸易、经济和商业关系。 其作用是服务和影响其成员和商界,以发展和扩大两个地区之间的业务关系。


葡萄牙中国工商会(CCILC)成立于 1978 年。 它是一个非营利性私营实体,致力于发展葡萄牙与中国之间的经济和商业关系。


中国西班牙商会成立于 2003 年。 商会致力于促进中国和西班牙企业之间的商业和经济关系。


西班牙商会的前身是西班牙商业协会,1992 年转型为香港的官方西班牙商会。 30 年来,该商会一直是西班牙和香港促进商业和跨文化交流的交汇点。

我们的每一个战略联盟都因提供专业的业务服务、坚持高技术标准和服务质量而备受推崇。 作为华德的客户,您可以通过我们的介绍享受特别优惠。



Airwallex 于 2015 年在墨尔本成立,是面向跨国发展的现代企业的领先金融技术平台。

Alfredo López y Cia

Alfredo López y Cia 是一家总部设在哥伦比亚的专业服务公司,从事咨询、顾问和审计工作超过 38 年,从未间断。

APAC Financial Services

APAC Financial Services是澳大利亚一家独特的咨询、营销和业务发展平台,旨在为亚洲基金经理提供支持,帮助他们在澳大利亚深入而广泛的财富管理领域进行推广、分销和融资。


AsiaBcosulting 是一家咨询公司,专门为有志于探索、创办和发展亚洲市场的公司、政府、机构和组织提供支持。 巩固在亚洲和拉丁美洲国家的商业、教育、文化和投资关系。


ACBN Audit & Consulting Business Network, S.C.是一个由墨西哥当地独立事务所组成的网络,提供经认证的专业会计、审计、税务和咨询服务,涉及咨询、法律、税务、金融和商业战略等多学科领域。

The China Desk by KINYU

The China Desk by KINYU 致力于为外企提供一站式供应链人力资源解决方案,助力外企在中国高效招聘专属人才。 The China Desk by KINYU 深耕供应链和制造业领域,拥有丰富的行业经验和专业知识,能够为企业提供更多优质资源和服务。

Crayfish 致力于助力快速发展的英国和欧洲企业在大中华区实现业务增长和成功。提供全方位的商业和专业服务,涵盖企业在华发展的各个阶段,助力企业克服挑战,抓住机遇,实现可持续发展。

Golden Hawk Consulting

Golden Hawk Consulting 致力于为投资者和企业家提供专业咨询服务,助力他们安全、高效、成功地实现目标,并为所有利益相关方创造卓越价值。

Guelcos International

Guelcos International 致力于为有意在中国和东南亚开展业务的公司提供全方位的货物进口服务,助力企业高效、安全地拓展海外市场。

Hone Maxwell LLP

Hone Maxwell LLP 律师事务所帮助国内外客户解决各种税法和商法问题。 这包括联邦、国际、州和地方税务问题,如税务规划和税务争议,以及国际法律顾问。


咨询, 业务关系, 中国, 亚洲, 创新, 市场调研, 技术与国际关系
Inovasia 致力于成为巴西和南锥体国家与亚洲之间创新的桥梁,促进创新和合作。他们提供一系列服务,旨在将巴西公司与亚洲市场联系起来,反之亦然。Inovasia 的专业服务包括提供亚洲新兴商业模式和创新的见解,促进市场准入,支持参与加速器计划,并将企业与深圳和香港领先的投资基金联系起来。


ERP、PaaS、SaaS、软件、EPM、云计算 ERP
金蝶成立于 1993 年,是一家在香港联交所主板上市(0268.HK)的领先企业级 SaaS 云服务公司。 它已入选中国最具价值品牌 100 强。

Manucci Advogados associated to UGGC Avocats

我们是一家提供全方位服务的律师事务所,在巴西设有办事处。 通过与 UGGC Avocats 的合作,我们的业务遍及巴黎、布鲁塞尔、马赛、卡萨布兰卡、杜阿拉、阿比让、上海和香港。

Mauricio Monroy Contadores, Ibáñez Soltero Gómez Paz y Monroy, S.C.

税务、人力资本、审计。 业务流程外包、外贸、转让定价、法律和人力资本
Mauricio Monroy Contadores, Ibáñez Soltero Gómez Paz y Monroy, S.C. 是一家税务、会计、审计和外贸咨询公司,总部位于墨西哥下加利福尼亚州蒂华纳市。
Tencent WeStart

Tencent WeStart

Tencent WeStart(香港)是Tencent WeStart 网络的一部分,为数字创业者提供通往中国和全球的门户。 在腾讯、K11、VS MEDIA 和行业利益相关者的支持下,它提供联合办公空间、知识、网络、资源和资金,以促进初创企业生态系统的发展,将区域初创企业、投资者和企业联系起来。

The Mindfood Club

业务咨询, 业务发展活动与推广, 团队绩效培训
The Mindfood Club是华南地区一个促进个人和职业发展的智力空间,是一个有影响力的领袖与其他首席执行官、董事、企业家和企业主分享人生和职业经验的社区。


广州正平天成律师事务所成立于 1995 年 3 月,是经司法部授权、广东省司法厅批准成立的首批合伙制律师事务所之一。



The American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham South China) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating bilateral trade between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Accredited in 1995 by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C., AmCham South China represents more than 2,300 corporate and individual members, is governed by a fully-independent Board of Governors elected from its membership, and provides dynamic, on-the-ground support for American and International companies doing business in South China. Over the past ten years, AmCham South China has hosted on average each year more than 10,000 business executives and government leaders from around the world at its briefings, seminars, committee meetings and social gatherings.

The mission of the American Chamber of Commerce in South China is to promote the development of trade, commerce and investment between the United States and the People’s Republic of China with a special focus on South China; to provide a forum in which member businesses can identify their common interests and discuss solutions for common problems; to work with and advocate member interests with relevant organizations in South China, elsewhere in China and the United States, and to set the standards for corporate social responsibility for the community that the Chamber serves.

AustCham South China

The China Australia Chamber of CommerceSouth China (AustCham South China) was established in 1994 to develop, promote and expand business relations between Australia and China through the representation of its membership. As a registered NGO office in the People’s Republic of China, AustCham South China serves as Australia’s peak industry body in South China and supports its members by providing information, connections, business services and government relations assistance. For a China wide presence, AustCham South China works closely with its sister Chambers in Beijing, Shanghai, Bohai, West China and Hong Kong & Macau, under the AustCham Greater China banner.

As a non-profit organization, AustCham South China exists to serve its membership by connecting Australian and Chinese businesses in the region through promoting trade & investment between Australia and China. The chamber regularly hosts events for the Australian business network in South China in areas such as networking, education and government relations. In addition, through AustCham’s digital communications and media partners, AustCham members are able to elevate their brand presence through our network.


The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Brazil (CCCB) main objective is to foster closer trade ties between Brazil and China and to contribute to the effective generation of business between Brazilian and Chinese companies and entrepreneurs. We have a specialized team of professionals, in Brazil and China, ready to meet the most varied demands of our associates.

CCCB advises their members to overcome the cultural barriers existing in the Brazil-China relationship and recommends strategic solutions to facilitate the realization of business and the generation of results.



The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) is the UK’s national business network promoting trade and investment with China since 1954.

CBBC plays an important role in helping shape bilateral relations between the UK and China through their close links to the UK Government and the Devolved Administrations; the Chinese Government at national, provincial and municipal level; and the British and Chinese Embassies.


The Colombian Chinese Chamber of Investment and Commerce is a non-profit binational organization, created in 2010 with the aim of promoting trade, investment and cultural understanding between the People’s Republic of China and Colombia. 

The Chamber represents the interests of its members in the public, private and academic sectors. It was created in 2010 by the Colombian Pacific Foundation, the National Association of Businessmen of Colombia (ANDI), the National Federation of Merchants (FENALCO), the Society of Farmers of Colombia (SAC), the Ambassador-at-Large for Expo Shanghai 2010 and a distinguished group of businessmen.



The German Chamber of Commerce in China is the official member organization for German companies with more than 2,100 members in mainland China. By providing up to date market information and practical advice, we help members to succeed in China and offer a platform for the Sino-German business exchange and cooperation.


The Mexican Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (MexCham HK) is the first Latin American business association in Hong Kong.

In 2008, MexCham HK was created to provide a platform to bring together businesses and individuals with interests in Mexico, Hong Kong, and Mainland China.

​It is a private, autonomous, independent, and non-profit organization, duly accredited in Hong Kong since 2013. It aims to become the Mexican business community’s voice and a platform for facilitating business and commercial opportunities between Mexico, Hong Kong, and Mainland China.

CW Clients may enjoy the following exclusive benefits:

  • Organization of trips, round tables, business meeting, etc. for overseas business delegations.
  • Unmatched access to networking events, such as lunch & learns, business breakfast/luncheon, and many more.




The Portugal-Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHKCCI) is a private, non-profit organisation established to promote bilateral trade, economic and business relations between Portugal and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

Its role is to serve and impact its members and the business community to grow and expand business relations between the two regions.

PHKCCI supports corporate, commercial and entrepreneurial bilateral initiatives, but also cultural, sports or academic initiatives that bring the two territories closer to each other.

PHKCCI is a platform for all businesspeople and companies looking to learn more about Hong Kong S.A.R. and/or Portugal. Its members are interested in networking with likeminded individuals and companies and finding new business opportunities within these markets.

For more information, please visit

The Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCILC) was founded in 1978. It is a non-profit private entity devoted to the development of the economic and commercial relations between Portugal and the People’s Republic of China.

In its governing bodies are included the most relevant industrial and financial groups in the bilateral context (Haitong Bank, REN/State Grid, Huawei, China Three Gorges, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, TAP – Air Portugal, Fidelidade/Fosun, Millenium BCP, Estoril Sol, Novo Banco, TAP, etc), among almost 300 associated companies. With headquarters in Lisbon, it has a representative office at the north of the country, Guimarães, and a delegation in Macao.

Founded before the re-establishment of the diplomatic relations between Portugal and the People’s Republic of China, CCILC was the first association of companies in Europe promoting business with China through the organization of missions, providing useful information and high technical support services, so that the associated companies could develop their activities in both countries in a more efficient, informed and safe way.

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China was established in 2003 and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs in Beijing with business license No. 51100000500018741P. It is part of the select group of 19 Chambers of Commerce recognized and registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs. 

As a bridge to promote commercial and economic relations between companies in China and Spain, the Spanish Chamber continues to offer different services to seek common interests among its members and also helps expand business in both markets. 

Initially established as the Spanish Business Association, the entity now known as the Spanish Chamber of Commerce was created in 1991 by a cadre of Spanish entrepreneurs. Over the years, its membership has steadily increased, now boasting over 170 partners. This growth has transformed it into a dynamic business group recognized both in Spain and Hong Kong. The Chamber maintains a database exceeding 3,500 contacts. In 1999, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong gained official recognition, distinguishing it as the first Spanish Chamber in China.

The primary mission of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is to foster and enhance bilateral relations between Spain and Hong Kong. It achieves this by offering an array of services designed to assist companies operating in both markets, positioning itself as a key facilitator of business and cultural exchange.


Airwallex is the leading financial technology platform for modern businesses growing beyond borders.

CW Clients may enjoy the following exclusive perks:

  • $0 fees on your first HK$100,000 (or equivalent in other currencies) of FX conversion 
  • Dedicated account manager for account opening support and ongoing client servicing
  • 1% unlimited cash rebate on all Hong Kong local spending with your Airwallex Borderless Cards (for HK companies only)


Alfredo López y Cia is a Colombia-based professional services firm in the field of advisory, consulting and auditing, with more than 38 years of uninterrupted work.

Currently, the firm has more than 30 collaborators operating in the cities of Bogota, Medellin and Cali, covering the main areas of the country.




Working with Asian fund managers, banks and institutions to encourage Australian wholesale and institutional investors to increase their exposure to Asian markets, managed funds, real estate, renewables and other alternative assets.


Promoting and facilitating Asian investment into Australian startups, scaleups and projects to stimulate Asian-Australia collaboration in technology, innovation and services and to pursue future IPO opportunities in Australia, Hong Kong and other Asian markets.


Engaging with Chinese, Asian and Australian Family Offices, institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals to source opportunities in the Asia Pacific region for joint investment and collaboration, particularly in agriculture, technology and renewable energy.


AsiaBcosulting has a complete portfolio that is characterized by a high standard of quality and professionalism. Always adapted to the most demanding and specific needs of anyone who is exploring or consolidating their activities in Asia.

From the identification of markets, through support in the organization of specialized trips, knowledge transfer, innovation opportunities and technological entrepreneurship, to the creation of companies in China or Hong Kong, they have a specialized group of experts in each field ready to help. advise and accompany you in a personalized way.

  • Academic and business expeditions
  • Business consulting and innovation
  • E-commerce projects in Asia
  • Travel management to Asia
  • Business Creation in Asia
  • Events and Training



ACBN Audit & Consulting Business Network, S.C. operates as a coalition of independent local firms delivering certified professional services in accounting, auditing, taxation, and consulting, covering areas such as advisory, legal matters, taxation, finance, and business strategy.

Established in 1992, ACBN is renowned for its amalgamation of expertise, quality, and dedication in service delivery. With a footprint in 21 cities across the Republic via 13 independent firms, its leadership is evident. Affiliations with the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants, A.C., and Allinial Global International Association stand as the cornerstones of its esteemed reputation and recognition.

Beyond core offerings, ACBN Audit & Consulting Business Network, S.C. aims to provide comprehensive business solutions to its clients, aligning with global dynamics and future trends.


Welcome to The China Desk!

The China Desk is a supply chain HR platform to help foreign companies hire personnel to work exclusively for them on the ground in China. The China Desk has a focus on supply chain and manufacturing, so that we can provide additional resources to companies if/when they need it.

The China Desk is built with three core functions:

  1. Comprehensive hiring solution
  2. Supply Chain advisory
  3. The Kinyu Resource Platform

Through these functions, a foreign company can set up their entire office in China with transparency and control, whilst saving the time and cost of setting up an entity.

 Benefits for CW clients include:

  1. Free consultation on your hiring strategy and budget
  2. Free advisory session on your supply chain operation in China
  3. 10% off The China Desk fee for 2 years


Located in Cambridge, UK, is known as the trusted advisor and partner for doing business in Greater China. and CW help organisations in both private and public sectors to succeed in these markets through a portfolio of essential business and professional services ranging from IP protection, licensing to tech commercialisation, as well as tailored consultancy to support them from initial market entry through to profitable growth.

Our approach is based on four commitments – commercial confidence, connections, cultural guidance, and cost certainty – providing you the maximum benefits of doing business, with the minimum risk and exposure.


Golden Hawk Consulting was created in order to assist investors and entrepreneurs to achieve their goals in a safe, profitable and successful way, developing businesses that add value to the parties involved.

Golden Hawk professionals are experienced in mergers and acquisitions, project finance and investment consulting. They have added expertise to a variety of business ventures. Their portfolio is made up of a variety of investors, primarily located in the United States, Asia and Latin America, who are often in search of business opportunities, and investment opportunities for themselves and their entities.

Golden Hawk professionals are skilled in assisting with all aspects of proposed transactions. Their work encompasses assisting the client in determining the investment or venture structure, development and implementation of the plan, and consummating the transaction. 


Guelcos International offers importing services of goods for business with global sourcing, product inspection, Chinese company audit, and documentation services for companies interested in doing business in China and Southeast Asia.

Guelcos International offers the following benefits for CW Clients:

  • 20% cashback for one of our import monthly plans.
  • 1-hour online consultation with one of our specialists free of charge.




Hone Maxwell LLP helps domestic and international clients with the full spectrum of tax and business law issues. This includes federal, international, state and local tax issues, such as tax planning and tax controversies, as well as international counsel. Our team also offers a broad array of corporate and transactional services including incorporation, contract negotiation and structuring, due diligence and counseling throughout all stages of business acquisition and formation.

Our team’s background in accounting and tax compliance, combined with our skills and experience as attorneys, means HMLLP offers unique and detailed services. HMLLP attorneys and staff are bilingual and bicultural with vast experience representing both individuals and companies whose legal needs span beyond the U.S. border.


Inovasia is a dedicated team of experts from diverse backgrounds who are focused on supporting Asian companies in Brazil.

They offer a full range of affordable solutions that supports your company’s fast growth: Legal, IT, HR and Facilities Management. From landing processing to actual daily delivery, your company will have the right support at the right time.

Chinese companies can benefit from Inovasia since the ability to grow quickly is essential for success: take decisions based on data and experience, avoid extra costs, and stay compliant.


Kingdee International Software Group Co., Ltd. ( “Kingdee International” or “Kingdee”), founded in 1993, is a listed company on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 0268. HK), headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Adhering to the core values of “Acting in all Conscience, with Integrity and Righteousness” and the mission of “serving the enterprise wholeheartedly and letting the sun shine into every enterprise”, we are committed to becoming the “most trusted enterprise service platform”.


With a multidisciplinary team of qualified professionals, we offer the necessary support and structure to meet the demands of our clients in Brazil and abroad. Founded in 2002, today we have more than 40 lawyers and are part of INTERLAW, an international alliance with +90 law firms, +7,500 lawyers and a global presence in +150 cities around the world.

Throughout our history and especially in recent years, we have received international awards for our work in the areas of M&A, Business, Tax and Labor Law. This has allowed us to be awarded by Chambers and Partners as a Leading Firm for 6 years in a row.


Mauricio Monroy Contadores (MMC) is distinguished by its internationally recognized partners and skilled firm members, who collectively form the strongest credential of MMC in delivering trustworthy services across a broad spectrum of industries. These include maquiladoras, manufacturing, construction, real estate development, retail, energy, and other strategic enterprise sectors.

As an international local firm, MMC boasts a global clientele and maintains professional resource alliances in Asia and North America, showcasing its extensive reach and commitment to excellence in the accounting and financial advisory domains.


Tencent WeStart

Tencent WeStart (Hong Kong) operates within the Tencent WeStart network and is managed by VS MEDIA. As a creative hub, it offers digital entrepreneurs an entry point to China and global markets. Backed by resources from Tencent, K11, VS MEDIA, and industry stakeholders, it provides co-working spaces, knowledge, networking opportunities, resources, and funding to bolster the growth of digital and entertainment startups. Additionally, it fosters the startup ecosystem by facilitating connections between regional startups, investors, and corporates.

Tencent WeStart in China

A total of 36 Tencent WeStart locations are now set up across mainland China, facilitating the innovation of e-commerce, gaming, robotics, VR, and other technologies by Chinese entrepreneurs. Occupying over 10 million square feet of space, it currently supports over 200,000 active community members with over 15,000 startup projects. VS MEDIA is the official operating partner for its very first establishment outside of mainland China.


The Mindfood Club is an intellectual space for brilliant minds in South China that facilitates personal development and career growth, a community where leaders share work experience and life lessons with the future architects of society.

In today’s fast paced society, a big majority of people is struggling and fighting their own battle, working relentless under social, financial and family pressure. The world will not change for the better naturally if people do not take action proactively. It is our responsibility as leaders to provide solutions and advice to help young professionals create a healthier working ecosystem and build a happier life.

We facilitate learning sessions by bringing speakers to share career experience and life advice with a philosophical component, to provide food for thought in an interactive and engaging conversation with the participants so they leave the event with a new mindset.


The international legal service team of Z&T LAW FIRM provides the service of cross-border IP protection, international business contract negotiation and dispute settlement. The team has serviced clients coming from more than 30 countries and has abundant experience in the industry of international trade and supply chain management.

CW Clients may enjoy the following exclusive benefits:

  • Free Chinese supplier due diligence report (limited to one supplier)
  • Free 1-hour online legal consultation service
  • Free contract review service (limited to one contract)

To enjoy the above benefits, please contact CW team for your specific case.


香港墨西哥商会(MexCham HK)是香港首个拉丁美洲商业协会。

2008 年,墨西哥商会香港分会成立,为墨西哥、香港和中国大陆的企业和个人提供了一个交流平台。

它是一个私人、自主、独立和非营利组织,自 2013 年起在香港获得正式认证。 它的目标是成为墨西哥商界的代言人,以及促进墨西哥、香港和中国大陆之间的业务和商业机会的平台。

CW 客户可享受以下专属优惠:

  • 为海外商务代表团组织旅行、圆桌会议、商务会议等。
  • 无与伦比的交流活动机会,如午餐学习、商务早餐/午餐会等。


西班牙商会的前身是西班牙商业协会,由一批西班牙企业家于 1991 年创建。 多年来,其成员稳步增加,目前拥有 170 多个合作伙伴。 这一增长使其成为西班牙和香港公认的充满活力的商业集团。 商会拥有一个超过 3500 名联系人的数据库。 1999 年,香港西班牙商会获得官方认可,成为中国第一个西班牙商会。

香港西班牙商会的主要任务是促进和加强西班牙与香港的双边关系。 为此,它提供了一系列服务,旨在帮助在这两个市场开展业务的公司,并将自己定位为商业和文化交流的主要促进者。


AsiaBcosulting 拥有以高质量和专业性为特点的完整产品组合。 始终满足在亚洲探索或巩固其活动的任何人最苛刻、最具体的需求。

从确定市场,到支持组织专业考察、知识转让、创新机会和技术创业,再到在中国或香港创建公司,他们在每个领域都拥有专业的专家团队,随时准备提供帮助。 以个性化的方式为您提供建议和陪伴。

  • 学术和商业考察
  • 业务咨询和创新
  • 亚洲电子商务项目
  • 亚洲旅行管理
  • 在亚洲创建企业
  • 活动与培训


ACBN Audit & Consulting Business Network, S.C. 是一个由墨西哥本土独立事务所组成的联盟,提供认证的专业服务,包括会计、审计、税务和咨询。这些服务覆盖了咨询、法律事务、税务、金融和商业战略等多个领域。

自1992年成立以来,ACBN因其在提供服务方面的专业知识、质量和奉献精神而著称。该公司在墨西哥21个城市通过13家独立公司开展业务,其领导地位不言而喻。ACBN与墨西哥公共会计师协会(A.C.)和Allinial Global 会计师事务所协会的紧密联系是其声誉和认可的基础。

除核心业务外,ACBN 审计与咨询业务网络有限公司还致力于为客户提供全面的业务解决方案,与全球动态和未来趋势保持一致。


The Mindfood Club 是华南地区为杰出人才提供的智力空间,促进个人发展和职业成长,是领导者与未来社会建筑师分享工作经验和人生教训的社区。

在当今快节奏的社会中,绝大多数人都在社会、经济和家庭的压力下挣扎和奋斗,不懈努力。 如果人们不主动采取行动,世界自然不会变好。 作为领导者,我们有责任提供解决方案和建议,帮助年轻专业人士创造更健康的工作生态系统,打造更幸福的生活。

